Sunday, January 20, 2008

Your Mama Hears...

...that follicly challenged and recently uncoupled model magnet Heath Ledger is quietly shopping the Woodrow Wilson Drive house for which he and his baby momma Michelle Williams paid $2,300,000 in June 2006. Often referred to as "The Treehouse," the 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom house measures 1,861 square foot according to property records and was formerly owned by house hopper Ellen Degeneres.

It's just a rumor kids. Do you know what that is? Keep in mind this is just idle real estate gossip when you talk about it with your friends.

As far as Your Mama knows, Miz Williams and child still reside the Hoyt Street townhouse in Brooklyn that the couple purchased in September of 2005 for $3,600,000.

UPDATE: Mister Ledger was found dead in his Manhattan apartment today. It sorta makes this post seem a wee bit silly, don't it? RIP. Our sincere condolences to his baby momma Michelle Williams and their young daughter.

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