Monday, August 11, 2008

The Russians Do It Again In the South of France

The children will recall that in mid-July there were rumors and reports that property crazy Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich was in the process of buying the legendary estate in the South of France called La Leopolda.

Now, some of the better newspapers in London are reporting that filthy rich widow and international socialite Lily Safra has sold her cream colored confection and its entensive gardens for a mind numbing £390,000,000 to some Russian billionaire who wishes to remain anonymous. Pleeze.

Your Mama would want to remain anonymous too if we were foolish enough to pay £390,000,000 for a damn house, a number that our bejeweled abacus tells us converts to a blistering and unimaginable $753,216,240.

We are not impressed. Actually, we're sorta embarrassed for the anonymous billionaire. But then again, it was Your Mama the man was trying to impress with his beyond extravagant purchase.

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